This project manifests the suffering and loss of the loved object as the origin of creation, as a real plastic elaboration of overcoming the trauma, not seeking to make it disappear, but rather to transform it into something else.

When the ego adopts the features of the object, it seeks to replace for itself what it has lost. The separation from the loved object is made bearable by this identification; if the subject monopolizes the characters of the lost object, then it finds himself consoled for a loss which is no longer so radical. There is in the loss, a conservation.


Ce projet manifeste la souffrance et la perte de l’objet aimé comme origine de la création, comme une réelle élaboration plastique du dépassement du traumatisme, en ne cherchant pas à la faire disparaître, mais plutôt à la transformer en autre chose. 

Quand le moi adopte les traits de l’objet, il cherche à remplacer pour lui ce qu’il a perdu. La séparation de l’objet aimé est rendue supportable par cette identification; si le sujet accapare des caractères de l’objet perdu, il se trouve alors consolé d’une perte qui n’est plus si radicale. Il y a dans la perte, une conservation.

Untitled | Apricale, Italy 2019                                                                                                              36x25cm                                                                                                     …

Untitled | Apricale, Italy 2019 36x25cm cardboard, leafs, nails, paper, red ink, pencil, steel ring, paper tape.

Mythe de Aristophane | Les Arcs, France 2020                                                                                                              18x15cm                                                                                        …

Mythe de Aristophane | Les Arcs, France 2020 18x15cm envelope, wax crayon, pencil, paper tape.

Untitled | Paris, France 2019                                                                                                              16x16cm                                                                                                       …

Untitled | Paris, France 2019 16x16cm paper, blue ink, photographic paper.

Fujisan | Les Arcs, France 2020                                                                                                              13x13cm                                                                                                     …

Fujisan | Les Arcs, France 2020 13x13cm paper, coloured pencil, stamp, ink, cardboard, paper tape.

Kalokagathia | Les Arcs, France 2020                                                                                                              36x25cm                                                                                                …

Kalokagathia | Les Arcs, France 2020 36x25cm paper, black and red ink, pencil, paper tape.

Untitled | Berlin, Germany 2019                                                                                                              30x20cm                                                                                                     …

Untitled | Berlin, Germany 2019 30x20cm paper, white paper tape, pencil, wax crayon.

Ulysses | Apricale, Italy 2019                                                                                                              12x15cm                                                                                                      …

Ulysses | Apricale, Italy 2019 12x15cm paper, wax crayon, pencil.


