If one of Vittoria Assembri's main activities consists in collecting “things”, natural or not, she also borrows from archeology, biology and ecology, and assumes, not without some irony, the role of the explorer and the function of the curator. Its archive is however made up of imaginary and fantastic animals, made by the artist with poor materials, waste, plant’s fragments and stones. The works often proceed from methods modeled on those employed by scientists. Transformed into a performer-researcher, the artist can also transform the exhibition link into a space that is both theater and laboratory.
Si l’une des activité principales de Vittoria Assembri consiste en la collecte des “choses”, naturelles ou non, elle emprunte aussi à l’archeologie , à la biologie et à l’écologie, et assume, non sans quelque ironie, le rôle de l’explorateur et la fonction du conservateur. Son archive est cependant fait d’ animaux imaginaires et fantastique, réalisées par l'artiste avec des matériaux pauvres, des déchets, des fragments de plantes et des pierres. Les œuvres procèdent souvent des méthodes calquées sur celles qu’emploient les scientifiques. Trasformé en performer-chercheur, l’artiste peut également métamorphoser le lien d’exposition en une espace qui tien à la fois le théâtre et le laboratoire.
Utopia al cervo monumenti | Grimaldi, Italy 2020 45x36cm wood, paper, typewriter ink, pencil, push pin.
Venere dei Balzi Rossi | Grimaldi, Italy 2020 40x30cm drawing canvas, wax panting, pencil, adhesive tape, typewriter ink, stone.
Documento 30052020 | Grimaldi, Italy 2020 15x13cm cardboard, squared paper, stone, typewriter ink, adhesive paper.
Untitled | Grimaldi, Italy 2020 15x17cm squared paper, stone.
Documento 24052020 | Grimaldi, Italy 2020 13x9cm stone, paper, paper adhesive tape, typewriter ink, red paint, metal.
Untitled | Grimaldi, Italy 2020 12x9cm paper envelope, stamp, typewriter ink, insects.
Ewige Ruckkher | Latte, Italy 2020 12x9cm drawing paper, adhesive tape, pencil, dried flower, typewriter ink.
Documento 30052020-2 | Grimaldi, Italy 2020 13x9cm drawing paper, squared paper, agenda paper, typewriter ink, pencil.
Documento 05062020 | Latte, Italy 2020 18x13cm drawing paper, squared paper, dried flower, pencil, typewriter ink.
Documento 27052020 | Grimaldi, Italy 2020 18x14cm book, stone, drawing paper, dried flower, paper adhesive tape.